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Showing posts with label #NATO #SHAPE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #NATO #SHAPE. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2024


JBS - PETITION URGENT: A group of globalist U.S. Senators have introduced legislation to prevent any president from withdrawing from NATO without approval by an act of Congress or two-thirds of the Senate. 

The Senate also voted 65-28 to add a similar proposal to the fiscal 2024 NDAA. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is pledging​​​​​​​ that the United States will remain involved in NATO. Neocons and other globalists want to keep our constitutional Republic forever entangled in harmful, anti-sovereignty treaties and international organizations. 

Please sign the PETITION to your U.S. Representative and Senators, and Demand they to put American sovereignty first and withdraw our country from NATO.