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Friday, August 30, 2024


JBS - PETITION URGENT: A group of globalist U.S. Senators have introduced legislation to prevent any president from withdrawing from NATO without approval by an act of Congress or two-thirds of the Senate. 

The Senate also voted 65-28 to add a similar proposal to the fiscal 2024 NDAA. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is pledging​​​​​​​ that the United States will remain involved in NATO. Neocons and other globalists want to keep our constitutional Republic forever entangled in harmful, anti-sovereignty treaties and international organizations. 

Please sign the PETITION to your U.S. Representative and Senators, and Demand they to put American sovereignty first and withdraw our country from NATO.


JBS - PETITION URGENT:  The United Nations is attacking U.S. sovereignty on multiple fronts. The WHO is working on its proposed Globalist Pandemic Treaty, and the UN is preparing to usurp even more power and advance its totalitarian Agenda 2030 plan at the upcoming Summit of the Future. Meanwhile, the International Maritime Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, and other UN affiliates are attempting their own power grabs.

The solution isn’t to reform the UN, but to totally withdraw the United States from the globalist and subversive body. Legislation to Get US Out! of the United Nations (H.R. 6645 and S. 3428, the DEFUND Act), which would fully withdraw the United States from the UN and restore U.S. sovereignty, is pending in Congress. 

Please Sign your PETITION to your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators, Demand they to support and cosponsor these bills, and to ensure their passage in Congress. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


JBS - PETITION URGENT: Contact your U.S. Representative & Senators. Please help stop all U.S. foreign aid — including to Israel — by contacting your U.S. representative and senators. Inform them of how foreign aid is unconstitutional, and urge them to follow the sound advice of the Founding Fathers by putting U.S. national interests first.

CSPAN 9 Jan 2009 #Blowback U.S. Congressman Ron Paul ISREAL Encouraged & Help Create HAMAS

TRUTH IN MEDIA  #Blowback Israel's Financial Support for Hamas | "Reckoning: Israel and Gaza" (Ep. 7)

The Intercept 20 Feb 2018  #Blowback: How Israel Helped Create Hamas

Saturday, August 17, 2024


JBS - PETITION URGENT: The House of Representatives voted 311-112 in favor of an additional $61 billion in aid for Ukraine. This bill (combined with several other foreign-aid bills) now heads to the Senate for consideration. Foreign aid is unconstitutional, since it isn’t one of the enumerated powers delegated to Congress under Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution. Instead of unconstitutionally prioritizing the borders of other countries, Congress must put America’s borders and national interests first. Please contact your U.S. senators, and urge them to oppose all foreign aid to Ukraine and other countries.

11 JUNE 2015 U.S. Representative John Conyers MI, the Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus, introduces for the first time an amendment to the DOD Appropriations bill to ban the #UKRAINE Neo-Nazi #Azov Battalion from receiving U.S. weapons and training. The amendment was subsequently adopted into law in 2018 after Republican Senate blocked the House-passed amendment for two consecutive years. 

7 MARCH 2022 #Azov is a far-right all-volunteer infantry military unit whose members are ultra-nationalists. As a battalion, the group fought on the front lines against pro-Russian separatists in Donetsk, the eastern region of Ukraine.

8 Jan 2021 TIME. COM Correspondent, Simon Shuster, travels to #Ukraine in the summer of 2019 to investigate white supremacists #AZOV militias that are recruiting people to join their fight.