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Thursday, March 26, 2020


— James Clyburn (D-SC),
     House Majority Whip

Dear Patriot,

My concern is growing by the day over the toll the reaction to the coronavirus is taking on our country, our prosperity, and our liberties.

Just look at a few of the recent headlines:

“If government can curb our rights to fight a virus, then why not to fight gun violence?”

“DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic!”

“Google, Facebook, and other tech companies are reportedly in talks with the US government to use your location data to stop the coronavirus”

These are HUGE infringements on our liberties.

But the statists and their pals in the national media elite, brush those concerns aside and scream MORE . . . MORE . . . MORE!

Well, I’m screaming "ENOUGH!"

But there’s only one thing that will make the politicians in power listen. . .

A surge of liberty-loving Americans standing alongside me to DEMAND they stop.

That’s why I’m counting each of you to sign your emergency END THE POWERGRABS petition right away.

I know a lot of folks are really worried about the coronavirus right now.

And that’s understandable. My son, Senator Rand Paul, has it and is currently quarantined.

But America will not last long if we don’t stand up to those who would attack our freedoms.

You and I simply cannot let the statists’ demands for massive expansions of power go unchallenged.

They may tell us it’s all about “keeping us safe” and that everything will return to normal once the coronavirus outbreak is under control.

But you and I know better.

Never mind the unbridled and BLANTANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL powers they’re racing to claim, including:

>>>    Bans on firearm and ammunition sales, hindering law-abiding Americans’ ability to protect their loved ones and property, right when they may be needed most.

>>>    Unfettered Federal Reserve power, allowing them to reach into taxpayers’ pockets and hand bailouts to their pals in the global financial elite.

>>>    Price Controls and takeover of industrial production. It’s a testament to American ingenuity and industry . . . businesses that can are shifting their business models to help combat the coronavirus.

But instead of praising that, the central planners ratchet up demands for price controls and more government control over production.

Meanwhile, governors in state after state demand businesses closeshutter schoolsrestrict travel, even suspend elections, and effectively prohibit religious gatherings.

What freedoms won’t they take from us under so-called “emergency powers?”

What liberties will they not crush?

The truth is, the Big Government statists are going all-out to use this crisis to consolidate more power and more perks for themselves and their well-connected cronies.

Proposals have included everything from goodies for union bosses, to massive Green New Deal-style regulations, to even resurrection of the "Obamaphone" program -- coronavirus legislation looks like the best Christmas ever for the social welfare crowd.

Meanwhile, you and me lose more of our liberties and it gets harder and harder for everyday Americans to provide for ourselves and our families.

That’s why I’m counting on every Campaign for Liberty supporter to sign the emergency END THE POWERGRABS petition I’ve prepared for you right away.

We’ve got to make it 100% clear, coronavirus DOES NOT give them license to trample our liberties with these unvarnished power grabs.

Once, you sign your petition, then please consider going just a small step further.

With everything that’s going on right now, Campaign for Liberty is really stretching our budget to help halt the loss of liberty you and I are facing. 

So if you possibly can, I hope you’ll agree to chip in with a generous contribution of $10 or even $25, which will go a long way to helping Campaign for Liberty halt the statists’ power grabs.

Please act at once.

For Liberty,

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