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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Operation "Dark Winter"

Source Publications: My Patriot Supply Operation Dark Winter
Source Publications:  Center For Health Security / John Hopkins  
Source Publications: PDF: "Dark Winter" Bio Terrorism Exercise Script

On June 22-23, 2001, these groups created a senior-level war game that simulated a smallpox attack on the United States known as “Dark Winter.” Essentially, it was a mock version of a widespread smallpox attack. On these dates, senior policymakers and U.S. officials meet for the simulation at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.

According to Shining Light on Dark Winter, “Dark Winter was a ‘tabletop’ exercise. Decision makers were presented with a fictional scenario and asked to react to the facts and context of the scenario, establish strategies, and make policy decisions. To the extent possible, the decisions made were incorporated into the evolving exercise, so that key decisions affected the evolution and outcomes of the scenario.”

In the scenario, members of the National Security Council (NSC) met to discuss a developing situation in southwest Asia, but they received word of a smallpox outbreak in Oklahoma, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. They are briefed on the outbreak, the time between exposure and symptoms developing, and the lack of vaccines. The NSC was tasked with determining both the cause of the outbreak and how to contain it.

Ultimately, the war game ended without any clear resolution and enormous civilian fatalities.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

"C4L" Open Up Now! Governors Directive

1 Oct 2020 

Dear Patriot,  If Florida can finally drop the charade, why can’t the rest of the states?

The governors of states across the U.S. are proving to be the worst kind of authoritarians we could ever imagine.

Using fear tactics and executive overreach, they have spent months destroying constitutional rights, their state’s economies, and the health and well-being of their own citizens with reckless abandon.

The one common excuse for this type of tyranny is that “the CDC guidance made me do it.”

State governments are supposed to be a check on the federal bureaucracy, standing in the way of their own state being forced into submission by unaccountable bullies in Washington, D.C.

Campaign for Liberty is fighting back!

If we’re going to move beyond this so-called “pandemic,” back to a society where people and small businesses have a chance to survive without a constant medical surveillance shutting them down and forcing them to make health decisions against their will, the governors of most states will need to step up and end this madness.

Or they need to step down.

The CDC does not get to run our state governments.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis finally saw the light. After seeing the devastation brought about by the lockdowns and mandates, he finally decided to end the mandates, open all businesses in his state of 21.5 million Americans, and even stripped away any monetary penalty for “mask violations,” including those who have not paid their fine for failing to wear a muzzle.

This is progress! But it isn’t enough.

Please sign your petition demanding your governor fully reopen your state and NEVER lock it down again!

Many states are headed in the opposite direction of Florida and considering new rounds of lockdowns, using FLU season as the new excuse. We’ve never done this before during the seasonal flu, so why start now?

They have no justification to continue on this path and they know it.

What’s amazing to me is that some people are still putting up with it, and in fact, inviting more tyranny because they’ve been frightened so badly by the authoritarian politicians and the fear-mongering media. Good people have been given the false hope that the government will rescue them.

Tell your governor you won’t accept any more lockdown tyranny. Sign the petition now!

It’s painful to watch the results of all this social engineering of our daily lives and personal habits with no proof that it’s making any difference in how a virus behaves.

Average Americans are fighting with each other over mask wearing and “social distancing,” which is doing great damage to our society and our children.

The governors will be the ones who have to endure the long-term effects of the toll this will take on their state’s economy. All of the overblown fear has destroyed travel and tourism, which many states rely on to keep their economy moving.

Maybe you saw that just a few days ago, Walt Disney Co. laid off 29,000 workers because of the shutdown and restrictions put on them!

The only thing the governors appear to have on their minds is the next federal bailout!

Citizens nationwide have grown tired of the hysteria, and they want the government to just get out of the way so they can pick up the pieces of their lives, go back to work, and feed their families.

So please sign your petition demanding your governor fully reopen your state and NEVER lock it down again!

Then, please chip in $300, $200, or even $100 right now so we can fight back against this coronavirus madness. 

Giving in to fear will always turn us into mere subjects of the ruling class. The same has been true during my time in politics and throughout history.

You and I have to demand our own state governments fully open up our economies now, stop these abuses of the American public, and stop taking away our freedom!

Sign your petition now.

Thank you for joining us in this fight to stop the medical tyranny in your state.

For Liberty,

Dr. Ron Paul, M.D.

P.S. Campaign for Liberty is fighting back daily against further coronavirus bailouts, contact tracing and tracking schemes, mask mandates, and even untested and unproved forced vaccinations. But we can’t do it without your help.

Saturday, September 26, 2020


Fellow Ohioans It's time to step up to the plate. 

It's time to move forward to the next level. 

I need you to rise up, right now, and contact your State Representative, demand they support H.B. 763 a bill to terminate Governor DeWines COVID-19 state of emergency in Ohio.   

Today, I officially filed the “Restore Ohio Nowbill, which will terminate the COVID-19 state of emergency order. As a result of its implementation, the bill would also seek to end other specific orders issued by the governor that are set to expire if and when the state of emergency concludes. 

The legislation has received 15 co-sponsors, with Representative Reggie Stoltzfus joint-sponsoring. It now awaits a bill number and a committee assignment where it will begin its hearings at the Ohio House.

"End the emergency declaration and the mandates and restore liberty - Restore Ohio Now"

Proud to co-sponsor “Restore Ohio Now” Bill to end the emergency declaration in Ohio. We must get Ohio back to work and remove the Covid-19 regulations. 
Thank you State Rep Diane Grendell for your work on this crucial issue.

State Rep. Paul Zeltwanger  | 16 Sept 2020

Next week, I am introducing the “Restore Ohio Now” bill, which will terminate the COVID-19 state of emergency order.  As a result of its implementation, the bill would also seek to end other specific orders issued by the governor that are set to expire if and when the state of emergency concludes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

"C4L" Petition: NO Mandatory Vaccines

15 Sept 2020 

Dear Patriot,

Early reports don’t look good.

The failures and major side effects reported in coronavirus vaccine trials are downright scary.

One trial was halted because a participant had to be hospitalized after developing transverse myelitis, a serious illness that landed her in the hospital.

They’re skipping critical safety steps with the coronavirus vaccine and are rushing it at light speed. This is hardly a path to something that will be considered safe for the general public.

Keep in mind the participants in these trials were handpicked because they are in excellent health. Imagine what the results would be if they had underlying health conditions!

To add insult to injury, several state governments are already throwing around the idea of making this unproven vaccine mandatory to be able to have access to basic services like public schools.

I'm very concerned politicians and Big Pharma are just a few short weeks away from stripping away your health freedom, in favor of profits for vaccine makers and more control for the government. 

The plans coming from states like Virginia and Ohio would strip away rights from those who haven’t been vaccinated. And Congress has ideas about national mandates carried out with government force. 

Even President Trump, who has said any vaccine should be a matter of choice, has frequently mentioned that the “military” will be in charge of distributing the coronavirus vaccine. That hardly gives the impression that it will be anything but mandatory. 

Please sign your petition to tell your U.S. Representative and Senators you will not accept any type of forced vaccinations TODAY!

Speaker Pelosi has been a vocal proponent of this scheme for a national strategic plan to trace, track, and forcibly vaccinate the American people. . .

Both parties in Washington are poised to pass legislation for contact tracing that could even lead to forced vaccinations. They are simply haggling over the details. This is dangerous.

In my first week in the House of Representatives in 1976, I cast one of the two votes against legislation appropriating funds for a swine flu vaccine.

The swine flu outbreak was a media event back then, with all the major networks giving it coverage that no other virus had ever received. The public was scared into a frenzy back then -- though it doesn’t even come close to the hysteria of 2020.

Back then, just as now, the clamoring for a magical cure-all in the form of a rushed vaccine was coming from the media, the politicians, and then the public. 

Unfortunately, the hastily and rushed into production vaccine was not only ineffective, it was DANGEROUS.

Approximately 50 people who took it contracted Guillain Barre Syndrome, a potentially deadly form of paralysis, which was a tragedy for those families and unnecessary for preventing this strain of the flu.

When all was said and done, this vaccine was shown to have increased the odds of getting Guillain Barre Syndrome by 4 times, which is a significant risk.

Will that sad history repeat itself with this rushed and overhyped coronavirus vaccine?

Your U.S. Representative and Senators need to hear from you! Sign your petition to tell them NO to any kind of forced vaccination.

You’ve also probably seen  Big Pharma is now colluding with software magnate Bill Gates of Microsoft to create a “Digital Certificate” to prove you’ve been vaccinated. Gates and Big Pharma are expecting the American public to accept this -- “for our safety,” of course. 

Please pitch in an emergency contribution of $200 -- or even $300 -- to ensure Campaign for Liberty will have the resources we need to fight a forced vaccination scheme in Congress or even in your own state!

Another form of this tyranny that’s being forced upon us are these “Contact Tracing Apps” which can be covertly installed on your phone. They are sometimes presented as “optional,” but they nag you incessantly until you give in and install them. 

And just like that, a health bureaucracy now has access to your personal and private data so they can track you and “trace” you electronically to see if they need to contact you about a possible exposure to someone with the coronavirus and even compel you to take an unproven vaccine, if Nancy Pelosi and Big Pharma get their way.  

This is an assault on our privacy and an assault on our liberty! And it’s going to affect your kids if they get their way. 

States like California have already passed laws that require children to receive a full vaccine schedule to attend school. There are currently a whopping 35 vaccines in their first 6 years. 

We must stop this before it goes too far -- sign the petition TODAY!

California’s law is especially terrifying, because it creates a vaccine database of all children, destroying their medical privacy for life and allowing bureaucrats to bully their parents into making sometimes disastrous health choices just to stay in school.

If that type of a law ever passes in other states, big government will be inside our homes in ways we never thought possible.

President Trump and Big Pharma companies keep hinting at this coronavirus vaccine being ready before November. That’s convenient timing with the election coming, but our long-term health is much more important. 

Sign the petition against mandatory vaccines today and we’ll send it right to your U.S. Representative and Senators! 

The good news is there is much skepticism about this rushed process, and we’re now hearing it from corporate media and even some of the politicians on the left. Whatever their motive is, it’s causing more people to wake up to the possibility that this vaccine may not have had enough time to be proven safe.

Let’s all make sure we make our feelings known to our legislators in D.C. right away -- before they move any of these dangerous mandatory vaccine proposals forward. And they need to know we certainly will not tolerate any kind of program to force-vaccinate ourselves or our children.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Campaign for Liberty is announcing our counter-offensive to all the Coronavirus bailouts, contact tracing and tracking schemes and forced vaccinations. But we can't do it without your help.

Please consider pitching in an emergency contribution of $200 -- or even $300 -- to ensure Campaign for Liberty can keep the pressure on Congress on this critical issue.   

Monday, August 24, 2020

"Whom Resist" Chuck Baldwin

18 Aug 2020 | LibertyFellowshipMT

This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, August 16, 2020, during the service at Liberty Fellowship. 

Scripture Text: I Peter 5:8, 9

The attack of the "New Normals" is a direct assault against our Liberty, and as such, is a direct assault against our Faith.

In this message, Pastor Baldwin shows how true Liberty is a gift of God, not the work of men. Therefore, the assaults against our liberties that now rage in our country (and world) are primarily SPIRITUAL attacks. As such, the only successful resistance is spiritual in nature.

Accordingly, Pastor Baldwin lists four of the main weapons that the Evil One is using against us and how the Church is often unequipped to properly resist.

The four weapons from Satan's arsenal that Pastor Baldwin describes are:

1. False doctrines that supplant Christ's authority over our eternal and temporal salvation.

2. The promotion of anarchy, which is contrary to the laws of God.

3. The Spirit of Party that has almost universally enveloped the Church.

4. Not seeing the Big Picture of how Zionism is a curse on America (and the world) and how Christian Zionists are, in fact, in a state of spiritual blindness and are--as were the Galatian Christians--also in a state of spiritual bondage.

This is a POWERFUL message! Many people who watched it live said this might be Pastor Baldwin's MOST POWERFUL message to date.

To purchase a copy of this message or to support the fellowship, please visit LibertyFellowshipMT.com.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

"Event 201"

18 October 2019

Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

The exercise consisted of pre-recorded news broadcasts, live “staff” briefings, and moderated discussions on specific topics. These issues were carefully designed in a compelling narrative that educated the participants and the audience.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations.

Highlights Reel
Selected moments from the October 18th Event 201 Pandemic Exercise 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Happy 85th Birthday Ron Paul

16 August 2020

Ron Paul's 85th Birthday is almost here.

This coming Thursday (August 20th) is Dr. Paul's 85th Birthday!

We are all hoping to make it extra special for him.

After all, where would our country be without Ron Paul as the leading voice for liberty and constitutional government in the United States for the last 40-plus years!


I know he'll appreciate seeing your name signed in the stack of birthday messages we plan to deliver to him this Thursday.

Especially given how difficult the sustained assaults on liberty this year have been for all of us who believe in individual liberty.

So please sign the card and jot down a few notes of thanks for Dr. Paul to honor the 40-plus years Dr. Paul has spent fighting for liberty!

Thank you in advance, for helping make Dr. Paul's 85th birthday extra special and all you do for liberty.

-- Heather D.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

C4L "Stop The Digital Dollar"

1 July 2020

"Using Threats to Grow Resilience. In Every Industry, Every Country, Every Day...One Global Network...Thought Leadership"

Dear Patriot,

Those words are from the recent "marketing" of the global consulting firm who in January created The Digital Dollar Project -- a Washington "Swamp" lobbying front organization, pushing Central Bank Digital Currency.

And I couldn't make it up if I tried . . . that global consulting firm grew out of Arthur Andersen (aka, Enron's accounting firm)!

That's probably the inside joke for the Federal Reserve banksters and the rest of the global elite behind all of this.

But they're dead serious about creating Central Bank Digital Currency and forcing you and me onto a so-called "Digital Dollar."

And, with hearings in both houses of Congress in June -- the latest just yesterday morning in the U.S. Senate -- the storm to usher in Central Bank Digital Currency is building rapidly.

They ought to be called Surveillance Dollars or Orwell Coins.

And without your action today, I'm concerned this could quickly grow into an Orwellian tempest beyond anything we've seen in our lifetimes.

We're talking about the end of private financial transactions altogether . . . government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up . . . even determining what you can and cannot spend them on!

So, I’m counting on you to do me two favors:

First, sign your SURVEILLENCE DOLLAR/ORWELL COIN BLOCK directive right away.

Then, after you have, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to bring this power grab to a crashing halt!

The truth is, the statists have no intention of limiting this Orwellian technology to your finances. . .

So don't think this isn't the other side of the coin to Bill Gates' and Dr. Fauci's calls for "Digital Immunity Passports."

The truth is, the authoritarians and their elite pals want nothing less than a complete digital ledger of every citizens' entire life.

You don't have to connect many dots to see it.

In fact, Accenture, the massive global consulting firm I mentioned earlier has BILLIONS in federal contracts for Electronic Health Records, and they've counted Amazon, Google, even and Bill Gates' own Microsoft among their clients.

And they even conduct content moderation for Facebook as part of their consulting.

Of course, the sustained worldwide chaos over the last six months is all very convenient for these global elites.

But as presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden let slip recently, it's their chance to -- “remake the world as it should be. To see Covid-19 as the force majeure that compels us to rewrite the social contract.”

And in their eyes, "as it should be" means a world where money and credit creation, and job and business growth are all under TOTAL government Central Bank control.

Do you want to live in that world? I don't!

Consider it.

A world where you can't go to your local bank or your credit union and withdraw cash to pay the kid down the street to cut your grass. . .

. . . One where that kid -- if he's trustworthy and will work hard, and there's room in the market -- can't go to a privately-owned bank and get a business loan.

. . . Where his parents or grandparents can't even give him the money to turn his grass-cutting business into a landscaping company without government approval.

In other words, a world where we all work for the state (aka Communism)!

Suppose the government bureaucrat in charge found a post on social media that was "NOT WOKE" in their determination?

Or maybe you didn't say or post something they believe you should have -- what do you think happens to your "digital dollars" then?

Click on the TV to see the latest statue of one of the Founders toppled from its pedestal or read the headlines about public and private individuals and businesses getting "canceled."

If you do, I think you'll know the answer.

Ultimately all of this is headed to a world where you and I (and everyone else) are enslaved to a few powerful elites with the means to monitor what we do, say, think, have or don't have in our bodies.

One thing made clear in yesterday's U.S. Senate hearing -- the Big Government statists in BOTH parties are fully on board with all of this.

Together with the so-called "experts" they peddled familiar talking points, including:

• "Preserving the Dollar's hegemony" (ENDLESS WARS);
• "Serving under-banked minorities, and people of color"
• "Preventing the spread of Covid-19" (LOCKDOWNS); and
• Getting coronavirus "rescue" payments out lickety-split (MORE GOODIES FOR THE SOCIAL-WELFARE CROWD).

And don't think they didn't pull out that tried-and-true tripe about "protecting" you and me from "terrorists" and "criminals."

In fact, they all but declared you are a criminal if you want to do something radical like keep your financial life private.

That's no surprise. The Big Government statists in Congress LOVE this scheme to expand their RAW POWER over your life and liberty.

For them, it's not enough the Fed's "print now, ask questions later" monetary policy helps them pretend they aren't destroying the purchasing power of your money.

They want the ability to spend and spend on every boondoggle and bailout put in front of them, without the "hindrance" of the Fed actually having to print the paper dollars they create out of thin air.

So, don't be fooled by their talking points -- they're nothing more than excuses to RAM through adoption of their Central Bank Digital Currency.

And don't trust for one second their assurances about "data privacy safeguards" -- there likely won't be a shred of privacy left if this scheme goes through.

Sadly, I'm worried without your action today, there's a handful of elected officials in Congress who should know better that could go along with this scheme if you and I fail to sound the alarm.

We must lay bare this Orwellian plot for what it is.

The good news is, with liberty loving Americans' like you on our side, there’s no denying our pressure makes an impact.

After all, you and I have STOPPED every attempt (so far) to RAM their National ID database scheme into law.

The truth is, this Central Bank Digital Currency scheme is another path to the same nightmare, allowing government to create a database of EVERY American citizen -- including everything from gun ownership records and political activity to love interests.

You and I must send a STRONG message before the die is cast.

That’s why I’ve instructed Campaign for Liberty staff to pull out all the stops using mail, email, Internet ads, and even targeted radio and TV ads if I can raise the resources.

I’ve told them I’ll personally ask you to help fund it.

After all, I know you’re just as worried about this Orwellian Central Bank Digital Currency scheme as I am.

So, I’m hoping you’ll prove me right by giving generously.

With this storm building rapidly on the so-called "Digital Dollar," I’m really counting on you to act IMMEDIATELY.

So can I count on you to please sign your SURVEILLENCE DOLLAR/ORWELL COIN BLOCK directive right away?

And if possible, please agree to a generous contribution of $300.

I know that’s a lot to ask for. But the looming battle to stop this scheme could prove one of the most important Campaign for Liberty has ever fought.

Of course, if $300 is too much, then please consider a generous contribution of $200 or at least $100.

So won’t you please join me in shouting “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER!” before it’s too late -- before the idea of American liberty is nothing more than a distant memory?

Please sign your SURVEILLENCE DOLLAR/ORWELL COIN BLOCK directive immediately and pitch in with your most generous gift of $300, $200, or at least $100 TODAY!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. It may be their most Orwellian scheme yet -- the global elites, Big Government authoritarians, and the banksters at the Federal Reserve are linking arms to impose Central Bank Digital Currency and force you and me onto a so-called "Digital Dollar."

We're talking about the end of private financial transactions altogether . . . government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up . . . even determining what you can and cannot spend them on!

So, please, sign your SURVEILLENCE DOLLAR/ORWELL COIN BLOCK directive immediately -- then pitch in with your most generous gift of $300, $200, or at least $100 TODAY!

Monday, July 27, 2020

FED "Digital Dollar"

11 June 2020 | Finical Services Committee 
Virtual Hearing - Inclusive Banking During a Pandemic: Using FedAccounts and..."Fed Digital Dollar" (EventID=110778)

13 July 2020 | Accenture
Accenture Building A Trusted Identity: Blockchain ID Demo. There is a need for documented proof of existence but over a billion lack the means. Watch the ID demo in action on what we define as identity and how establish it.

Accenture, along with Microsoft and Avanade, created a biometric & blockchain-based identity management tool that was presented at ID2020 Summit at the UN.

Digital Dollar Project 

The Digital Dollar Project is a partnership between Accenture (NYSE: ACN) and the Digital Dollar Foundation to advance exploration of a United States Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The purpose of the Project is to encourage research and public discussion on the potential advantages of a digital dollar, convene private sector thought leaders and actors, and propose possible models to support the public sector. The Project will develop a framework for potential, practical steps that can be taken to establish a dollar CBDC.