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Monday, August 2, 2021

The Road to Totalitarianism


Manufacturing consent for private and public sector clients for over 250 years

The Road to Totalitarianism

People can tell themselves that they didn’t see where things have been heading for the last 17 months, but they did. They saw all the signs along the way. The signs were all written in big, bold letters, some of them in scary-looking Germanic script. They read …


I’m not going to show you all those signs out again. People like me have been pointing them out, and reading them out loud, for 17 months now. Anyone who knows anything about the history of totalitarianism, how it incrementally transforms society into a monstrous mirror image of itself, has known since the beginning what the “New Normal” is, and we have been shouting from the rooftops about it.

We have watched as the New Normal transformed our societies into paranoid, pathologized, authoritarian dystopias where people now have to show their “papers” to see a movie or get a cup of coffee and publicly display their ideological conformity to enter a supermarket and buy their groceries.

We have watched as the New Normal transformed the majority of the masses into hate-drunk, hysterical mobs that are openly persecuting “the Unvaccinated,” the official “Untermenschen” of the New Normal ideology.

We have watched as the New Normal has done precisely what every totalitarian movement in history has done before it, right by the numbers. We pointed all this out, each step of the way. I’m not going to reiterate all that again.

I am, however, going to document where we are at the moment, and how we got here … for the record, so that the people who will tell you later that they “had no clue where the trains were going” will understand why we no longer trust them, and why we regard them as cowards and collaborators, or worse.

Yes, that’s harsh, but this is not a game. It isn’t a difference of opinion. The global-capitalist ruling establishment is implementing a new, more openly totalitarian structure of society and method of rule. They are revoking our constitutional and human rights, transferring power out of sovereign governments and democratic institutions into unaccountable global entities that have no allegiance to any nation or its people.

That is what is happening … right now. It isn’t a TV show. It’s actually happening.

The time for people to “wake up” is over. At this point, you either join the fight to preserve what is left of those rights, and that sovereignty, or you surrender to the “New Normal,” to global-capitalist totalitarianism. I couldn’t care less what you believe about the virus, or its mutant variants, or the experimental “vaccines.” This isn’t an abstract argument over “the science.” It is a fight … a political, ideological fight. On one side is democracy, on the other is totalitarianism. Pick a fucking side, and live with it.

Anyway, here’s where we are at the moment, and how we got here, just the broad strokes.

It’s August 2021, and Germany has officially banned demonstrations against the “New Normal” official ideology. Other public assemblies, like the Christopher Street Day demo (pictured below), one week ago, are still allowed. The outlawing of political opposition is a classic hallmark of totalitarian systems. It’s also a classic move by the German authorities, which will give them the pretext they need to unleash the New Normal goon squads on the demonstrators tomorrow.


In Australia, the military has been deployed to enforce total compliance with government decrees … lockdowns, mandatory public obedience rituals, etc. In other words, it is de facto martial law. This is another classic hallmark of totalitarian systems.

In France, restaurant and other business owners who serve “the Unvaccinated” will now be imprisoned, as will, of course, “the Unvaccinated.” The scapegoating, demonizing, and segregating of “the Unvaccinated” is happening in countries all over the world. France is just an extreme example. The scapegoating, dehumanizing, and segregating of minorities — particularly the regime’s political opponents — is another classic hallmark of totalitarian systems.

In the UK, Italy, Greece, and numerous other countries throughout the world, this pseudo-medical social-segregation system is also being introduced, in order to divide societies into “good people” (i.e., compliant) and “bad” (i.e., non-compliant). The “good people” are being given license and encouraged by the authorities and the corporate media to unleash their rage on the “the Unvaccinated,” to demand our segregation in internment camps, to openly threaten to viciously murder us. This is also a hallmark of totalitarian systems.

And that, my friends, is where we are.

We didn’t get here overnight. Here are just a few of the unmistakable signs along the road to totalitarianism that I have pointed out over the last 17 months.

June 2020 … The New (Pathologized) Totalitarianism.

August 2020 … The Invasion of the New Normals.

October 2020 … The Covidian Cult.

November 2020 … The Germans Are Back!

March 2021 … The New Normal (Phase 2).

March 2021 … The “Unvaccinated” Question.

May 2021 … The Criminalization of Dissent.

June 2021 … Manufacturing New Normal “Reality.

And now, here we are, where we have been heading all along, clearly, unmistakably heading … directly into The Approaching Storm, or possibly global civil war. This isn’t the end of the road to totalitarianism, but I’m pretty sure we are in the home stretch. It feels like things are about to get ugly. Very ugly. Extremely ugly. Those of us who are fighting to preserve our rights, and some basic semblance of democracy, are outnumbered, but we haven’t had our final say yet … and there are millions of us, and we are wide awake.

So pick a side, if you haven’t already. But, before you do, maybe look back at the history of totalitarian systems, which, for some reason, never seem to work out for the totalitarians, at least not in the long run. I’m not a professional philosopher or anything, but I suspect that might have something to do with some people’s inextinguishable desire for freedom, and our willingness to fight for it, sometimes to the death.

This kind of feels like one of those times.

Sorry for going all “Braveheart” on you, but I’m psyching myself up to go get the snot beat out of me by the New Normal goon squads tomorrow, so I’m a little … you know, overly emotional.

Seriously, though, pick a side … now … or a side will be picked for you.


CJ Hopkins
July 31, 2021
Photos: Auschwitz: public domain, Christopher Street Day demo: Der Tagesspiegel

DISCLAIMER: The preceding essay is entirely the work of our in-house satirist and self-appointed political pundit, CJ Hopkins, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Consent Factory, Inc., its staff, or any of its agents, subsidiaries, or assigns. If, for whatever inexplicable reason, you appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to support it, please go to his Substack page, or his Patreon page, or send your contribution to his PayPal account, so that maybe he’ll stop coming around our offices trying to hit our staff up for money. Alternatively, you could purchase his satirical dystopian sci-fi novel, Zone 23, or Volume I and II of his Consent Factory Essays, or any of his subversive stage plays, which won some awards in Great Britain and Australia. If you do not appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to write him an abusive email, feel free to contact him directly.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Vaccine Passports

Ben Swann | 25 July 2021 Massive protests across Europe in Spain, Italy, France, Greece and the UK are sending a clear message... millions of people will not just accept vaccine passports. This is the new global protest movement. Ben Swann reports from Madrid, Spain.
Ben Swann | 27 July 2021 Ben Swann discusses the protests across Europe and why Italy and France's "Green Pass" is an impossible standard for everyday life.
Ben Swann | 30 July 2021 The idea being forced on Americans right now is that everyone must be vaccinated, no matter what, even if you've already had the virus and are immune. What the media isn't telling you is that countries like Israel, the UK and Scotland are witnessing massive vaccine failure. Sign up for a phone plan that doesn't censor you. www.clearunited.com Use promo code:

Sunday, July 25, 2021

World Wide Rally For Freedom 3.0

In the Spring and Summer of 2021 Tens of Thousands of people all around the world began organizing and standing up to GOVERNMENTs  Tyrannical Lockdowns, Mask Mandates, Forced Vaccination Schemes and new Health Passports. The below videos document the events that transpired.

Ben Swann Europe Rising 24 July 2021
World Wide Rally For Freedom 3.0
Belfast Ireland 24 July 2021

24 July 2021 Ukraine 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

S.2052 Ban Facial Recognition Surveillance

July 2021 

Action Alert - Calling on patriot's nationwide. I need your help! I need you to step up to the plate, and join me in this campaign to Stop Facial Recognition Surveillance. 

The window of opportunity is open, and we now have a chance to ban this invasive and dangerous surveillance technology, the stuff of dystopian science fiction, coming to fruition.

Sign your "Stop Facial Recognition Surveillance" petitions below and demand your U.S. Senators and Representative support or co-sponsor S. 2052 / H.R. 3907 Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Moratorium Act 2021


Patrick Mong

Chairman Liberty-Political Action Committee  


EFF Ban Facial Recognition Surveillance S.2052

ACLU Stop Facial Recognition Surveillance

Ban Facial Recognition

OHIO H.B. 248 Vaccine Choice & Anti-Discrimination Act

This summer, take Action for 248!!! 

Here’s what YOU can to DO this SUMMER to help move the Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act!



1) Health committee and leadership targeted IN district HB 248 community education rallies:


Gather a group of family and friends and plan a small rally in a busy area in your community! Wear HB248 T-shirts or red, white, and blue!


Bring your kids in strollers with balloons and flags. Look approachable and strike up conversations with pedestrians or be visible to traffic passing by.


Use red, white, and blue signs with “Vaccine Choice & Anti-Discrimination Act: www.VoteYesOnHB248.com”, or “Your Vaccination Status Should NOT Limit Your Access to Education or Work!”, or similar messages!

Once you have set a date and location for your rally for HB248, go to https://freeohionow.com/events/ and set up the event with Free Ohio Now, who is partnering with us on this endeavor, so that others can join you! Also, send us an email at info@ohioamf.org so that we can help support you however we can!


We recommend people check the Free Ohio Now calendar for rally events, and if you don’t see one in your area, take the lead and make an event of your own! 


NOTE: We suggest putting the Representative or Senate contact info for the target district you are working in on the flyers so it’s super easy for the person receiving the info to call or email them!


2) HB248 flyer drops on doors in target districts:


Specifically the hometowns of the House Health Committee members (because the bill is currently in the Health Committee), and try to leave on on THEIR door too! That's right, we are in your town now!


Visit the www.VoteYesOnHB248.com website for downloadable / printable flyers / info cards, or to order some online for your convenience.


NOTE: We suggest putting the Representative or Senate contact info for the target district you are working in on the flyers so it’s super easy for the person receiving the info to call or email them!


3) Take HB248 cards or flyers and hand them to masked employees:


You can probably assume that if an employee is wearing a mask in a store that has many other unmasked employees, the masked employee has probably not received the Covid vaccine and their employer is requiring them to remain masked. Who knows what other punitive punishments the employees who didn't partake in Covid vaccination are being subjected. That employee might be interested in HB248.


Ask supportive employees to contact their RepresentativeSenatorHouse Speaker Robert Cupp, and Senate President Matt Huffman to let them know that they support HB248!


Again, specifically pay attention to retail businesses in the legislative districts of the House Health Committee members (again, because the bill is currently in the Health Committee). 


NOTE: We suggest putting the Representative or Senate contact info for the target district you are working in on the flyers so it’s super easy for the person receiving the info to call or email them!


4) Schedule meetings with pastors of churches:


Churches are key to maintaining our right to choose not to be vaccinated. Many individuals who opt out of vaccines do so because of a religious belief.


While their church may not subscribe to that individual's specific religious reasoning, the church should understand that if one individual's religious freedoms are in question, everyone's religious freedoms are in question. Churches must embrace vaccine choice and stand for medical freedom as a matter of Christians maintaining their right to religious liberty.


Ask these churches to public support their congregation's right to exercise their religion free from interference, whether vaccinated or not.


Again, ask supportive church parishioners to contact their RepresentativeSenatorHouse Speaker Robert Cupp, and Senate President Matt Huffman to let them know that they support HB248!


Again, specifically pay attention to churches in the legislative districts of the House Health Committee members (again, because the bill is currently in the Health Committee). 


5) Schedule meetings with school board or city council members:


School districts and cities need to take a stand for their staff/students and their residents. Communities need to work together to ensure that the liberties of their citizens aren't violated. It is important that local communities understand the cost that comes with allowing vaccine mandates to infiltrate every facet of our lives - ability to work, ability to go to school, ability to attend an event, ability to shop, etc.


Again, ask supportive school board or city council members to contact their RepresentativeSenatorHouse Speaker Robert Cupp, and Senate President Matt Huffman to let them know that they support HB248!


Again, specifically pay attention to school districts and cities in the legislative districts of the House Health Committee members (again, because the bill is currently in the Health Committee). 


6) Visit local business owners within targeted districts and ask them to show support for the legislation:


Business owners need to understand that you, a customer, do not support their perceived right to dictate medical interventions for which their employees and customers must subscribe in order to work or shop at their business. They need to understand that wearing a uniform, maintaining certain hygiene, etc, are not the same as requiring one to be injected with a product that could forever alter their health.


Again, ask supportive business owners to contact their RepresentativeSenatorHouse Speaker Robert Cupp, and Senate President Matt Huffman to let them know that they support HB248!


Again, specifically pay attention to school districts and cities in the legislative districts of the House Health Committee members (again, because the bill is currently in the Health Committee). 


7) Pass out HB248 flyers or cards at political events or outside of political fundraisers: 


Attend local political events and fundraisers and engage attendees and solicit support of HB248. Obviously we encourage you to be respectful of the event and those attending the event, but don't hesitate to ask speakers tough questions about vaccine choice, their support of HB248, etc. If you ask a question(s) during Q&As, it's nearly a hundred percent likely that interested individuals will approach you after the event to discuss the legislation. Be prepared to answer their questions and have one of our fliers or info cards available to hand out to them to take home.


Visit the www.VoteYesOnHB248.com website for downloadable / printable flyers / info cards, or to order some online for your convenience.


NOTE: We suggest putting the Representative or Senate contact info for the target district you are working in on the flyers so it’s super easy for the person receiving the info to call or email them!

H.R. 3860 Ban Armed Forces Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations

July 2021 

Dear Patriot,

Forced vaccinations could be just around the corner.

Two recent developments are not sitting well with me at all on this front, and I think you and I need to deliver a loud and clear message that the tyrants need to change course immediately!

Those who value liberty have had enough of the vaccination propaganda and coercion.

Unfortunately, the Department of Defense didn’t get the memo and is now issuing internal communications to prepare military personnel for mandatory COVID vaccinations as early as September 1 of this year:

“Commanders will continue COVID-19 vaccination operations and prepare for a directive to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for service members [on or around] 01 September 2021, pending full FDA licensure,” the order said. “Commands will be prepared to provide a backbrief on servicemember vaccination status and way ahead for completion once the vaccine is mandated.”

Servicemembers are already threatening to quit over this proposal, which has prompted Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) to introduce H.R. 3860, which will ban this requirement for any member of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Any American who wants to take the COVID jab is free to do so. But those who choose not to, for whatever reason, should not be forced to do so.

Denying any citizen the right to choose what medicine to shoot into their own body is a gross violation of their constitutionally protected rights.

Our military service members sign up to defend those rights, and volunteering to serve should not require them to forfeit control over their own medical decisions!

It is critical you and I hold the line on this issue NOW.

I urge you to sign the petition to demand your U.S. Senators and Representative support H.B. 3860 and any other bills to ban mandatory COVID vaccinations!

Then once you do, please donate $25, $75, or $150 today to help Campaign for Liberty hold the line and STOP mandatory vaccinations.

If the medical tyranny of mandatory COVID vaccinations for our volunteer armed forces wasn’t bad enough, now Joe Biden’s White House is openly planning to deploy vaccination teams directly to our homes to bully the allegedly “unvaccinated.”

This is a disgusting abuse of power and should never even be considered in these United States of America.

Earlier this week, Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, openly spoke about the administration’s door-to-door plans for the new demonized class of experimental vaccine refusers.

Insisted these plans will “get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

After months of non-stop vaccine propaganda, including offers of free beer, donuts, and entry into million-dollar taxpayer funded vaccine lotteries, does the administration really think there is any American who is unaware of vaccine availability?

Just exactly what type of propaganda will these canvassers, who likely will have no medical background or training, be promoting to folks? Whether or not to take any vaccination is a personal choice, and even the CDC and WHO admit the experimental COVID vaccination has not been proven safe for all people.

Will these vaccination teams be taking into account people who medically are unable to take a vaccine?

What about women who are pregnant?

What about those who have had COVID and have antibodies?

What about people who have personal or religious beliefs that preclude them?

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra had this to say about those who believe the federal government has no business meddling in your medical decisions:

“The federal government has spent trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic. So it is absolutely the government’s business.”

This is very disturbing.

The statists in government realize the people aren’t with them, which is why they’re starting to send teams to our neighborhoods to bully us and try to embarrass us.

Biden’s stated goal of 70% of the population vaccinated by July 4, 2021 has been an embarrassing failure.

Biden was openly complaining this week about their badly missed goal:

“Now we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood and oft times door to door, literally knocking on doors to get people vaccinated.”

And at least one source says Biden will use the military to go door to door!

Congress needs to put a stop to this vaccine bullying by the Biden administration and the military immediately.

Sign the petition to demand your U.S. Senators and Representative support H.B. 3860 and any other bills to ban mandatory COVID vaccinations!

Then please consider a generous donation of  $25, $75, or $150 today to fight back NOW and STOP mandatory vaccinations

I’m worried that if this type of bullying doesn’t stop, we could even see our society break down like we haven’t seen before with the vaccine propagandists blaming those who won’t take the experimental shot for every “case” and every death.

The good news is the medical tyranny is failing with the public before our eyes, or they would not be pushing this hard.

And even members of the armed forces are threatening to quit over the proposed vaccination requirement, giving Rep. Massie the backing he needs to introduce H.B. 3860, but we are far from out of the woods yet.

The far left, the Biden Regime, and Big Pharma are making their biggest moves ever to coerce and even force people who have thus far rejected this rushed vaccination which was distributed to mass vaccination sites all over the country.

It’s safe to say the people who actually wanted the shot have taken it by now.

Sign the petition!

The fight to preserve health freedom may just be the most important battle we face in 2021 with all the time and money the political class has invested into making the COVID Tyranny permanent.

You and I cannot afford to let them gain any more ground. Please take action now.

For Liberty

Ron Paul

Saturday, July 10, 2021


July 2021 

Dear Patriot,

You and I have an opportunity right in front of us to stop the confirmation of anti-gun zealot David Chipman as head of the ATF.

President Biden clearly overstepped with the nomination of Chipman, who is by far the most anti-gun activist to even be considered for this role. But with just 51 votes needed to confirm, this is a battle that Campaign for Liberty will need to be well-equipped to win.

We need to flip just one Democrat to vote against the nomination to end this debacle and set back Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda.

My staff and I have identified 8 targets in the Senate who need to hear very loudly that David Chipman should not be anywhere near a decision-making role when it comes to the Second Amendment and your right to defend your family and your home.

There are rumblings that this confirmation is anything but a done deal based on Chipman’s past.

Chipman’s words and actions for decades shows he’s out of step with our Republic, and putting him at the helm of the ATF would be disastrous.

I fear it would be history repeating itself with another Waco or Ruby Ridge type of tragedy under Chipman’s authority.

Even worse, in 2019, Chipman said he believes in “pre-crime” measures to stop people who may one day commit a crime, which turns our entire justice system on its head:

“While at ATF, I conducted studies involving people who failed background checks to determine how many later committed crimes with a gun, many did, this is a perfect opportunity to arrest people before committing crimes, rather than responding after the fact” -David Chipman

It appears that Chipman has been preparing to jail innocent Americans who are trying to purchase a firearm for a very long time, dating back to his previous stint at the ATF.

We must act quickly as the Chipman confirmation is likely to be voted on before the end of this month, which means pressuring our eight targets in the Senate starts immediately.

This is critical – can you rush a donation of $25, $50, $100, or more to stop anti-gun zealot David Chipman from being seated in the highest position at the ATF?

And if you haven’t already, please sign the petition to your U.S. Senators demanding they vote against his confirmation.

President Biden is too afraid to deliver the message that his administration wants to turn law-abiding gun owners into potential felons.

He’ll be thrilled to hand that job over to the gun grabbing David Chipman who cannot wait to come after the AR-15.

When Chipman worked for a Michael Bloomberg-funded gun control group, he said the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America, should be treated like a “machine gun” and banned completely.

When asked by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) about Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) bill to ban more than 2,000 different types of firearms, Chipman said it didn’t go far enough because it didn’t target law-abiding gun owners who have previously purchased those weapons.

Not only is David Chipman in favor of arresting people for pre-crime, but he also wants to retroactively go after gun owners who have weapons he doesn’t like!

Chipman isn’t trying to hide the fact he wants innocent and law-abiding Americans to give up their right to protect their families and their property, and put their names into another government database, while the criminals surely won’t comply with any of it.

Could Biden have made a more disturbing pick for the person to head up the ATF?

Time is short – you and I have a chance to stop the confirmation of David Chipman, but I need you to step up and fund our program with a donation of $25, $50, $100, or more at once!

Then if you haven’t already signed the petition to your U.S. Senators, please do so now!

Chipman’s nomination has always signaled a level of desperation by President Biden to cater to the far-left’s rabid attacks on the Second Amendment.

That agenda, thus far in 2021, has been failing in Congress.

Biden’s radical gun control bills have been stalling at various stages of the process, but he thinks Chipman heading the ATF is an end-around on Congress.

Is there any doubt, based on Chipman’s own statements, that he would use the ATF to target specific guns for confiscation based on some kind of perceived “emergency?”

If his current statements about gun bans and pre-crime and his vitriol aimed at law-abiding gun owners isn’t enough, a look at Chipman’s history with the ATF is even worse!

While he was an agent for the ATF, Chipman was stationed in Waco, TX and participated in the aftermath of the assault on the Branch Davidian compound. After a 51-day standoff with the members of the compound in February of 1993, the compound was raided by a combination of federal agents from the FBI, ATF, and local law enforcement.

The Branch Davidians were suspected of possessing “illegal weapons.”

Chipman later claimed that the Branch Davidians had shot down helicopters with those weapons, a claim which was completely refuted by a U.S. House of Representatives’ report.

The end result after the standoff, teargassing, and gun fights instigated by the ATF was 4 dead federal agents and 78 members of the Branch Davidians, including 25 children who were killed in the fires that engulfed the compound.

After leaving the ATF, Chipman has gone on to positions with vicious gun-grabbing activist groups, showing his true colors.

He worked as a lobbyist for Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety and later as senior policy advisor at Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

In a truly outrageous conflict of interest, current U.S. Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), whose wife is former U.S. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords of the Giffords Law Center, still employs Chipman!

Time is running out to stop this confirmation, so I’m urging you to take action immediately.

Your donation of $25, $50, $100, or more today will go directly to funding our program which will pressure eight Senators to vote against Chipman and stop this confirmation!

If Chipman is defeated, it will be another major setback to the gun grabbers and a big signal that even when being hit from all angles with attacks on the Second Amendment, you and I will not give an inch.

I know I can count on you to join me in this fight.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul